How to Use Opportunity Scan Part 1

By Tom Bandy Every congregation has free access to MissionInsite. The amount of data may seem overwhelming, and research tools may seem challenging, but with regular practice it soon becomes easy for any staff, board, or committee to gather information pertinent to their area of ministry. Opportunity Scan is a tool that helps you focus …

What Do We Need to Unlearn?

I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and a meme jumped off the screen at me. It posed the following question: “What does the Church need to unlearn?” I shared this in one of my clergy colleague Facebook groups and here are some of the responses: Wow…I’m sure this list could go on and …

Before You Plant

Bill and I attended the National Developers and Church Planters conference a few weeks ago in Denver, Colorado where we gleaned from the wisdom of successful developers and planters and exchanged ideas and best practices. North Georgia Annual Conference of the UMC shared five of their pertinent objectives when planning to plant a church. I …

How Do You Make a Disciple?

The mission of The United Methodist Church is “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” I wholeheartedly agree with this mission, and I believe disciple making is the most important undertaking with which we should be engaged. We have assumed that if a church provides consistent events, biblical information, and …

What is a Disciple?

The mission of The United Methodist Church is “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” I wholeheartedly agree with this mission, and I believe disciple making is the most important undertaking with which we should be engaged. We have assumed that if a church provides consistent events, biblical information, and …

Tattoos on the Heart

These posts usually begin as an idea that pops into my mind during my morning runs. As a practice, I don’t listen to music, books or podcasts as I run. I listen to the thoughts in my head, to the prayers I utter, and for God’s voice and direction. This week’s post has come about …