Reclaiming Evangelism

Evangelism is a word that often elicits mixed emotions, especially for those of us who are United Methodists. For many, it conjures memories of encounters with judgmental zealots, overly aggressive preachers, and individuals who seem more focused on converting others than on genuine connection. Consequently, it’s not surprising that some of us, and particularly millennials, …

Never Underestimate the Importance of Prayer

Recently I reread a classic text, “The Way of the Pilgrim.” This work was written by an unknown Russian author and is a profound exploration of spiritual searching and devotional practices. It is set against the backdrop of 19th-century Russia, and follows an unnamed pilgrim, who describes himself as one who: “by the grace of …

Still More Lessons in Hospitality

This is my third post in a random series of articles dealing with hospitality. I’ve spent time on this topic because it is so critical to church renewal and vitality. How we welcome the “other” is a foundational lesson of both the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament. A few weeks ago my wife and …

The Spiritual Discipline of Receiving Help

I’ve just been through a humbling season in my life. After 54 years roaming this planet, I fractured some bones for the very first time. At the end of September, as a result of a fall during my morning run, I fractured my big toe in two places and my left collarbone in two places. …

The Importance of Hospitality Part 2

In an earlier post on hospitality (read it here), I discussed the importance of guest follow up, and I shared some tips and tools. I based my post on Hebrews 13:2 – “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” This is a reference …

What Do We Need to Unlearn?

I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and a meme jumped off the screen at me. It posed the following question: “What does the Church need to unlearn?” I shared this in one of my clergy colleague Facebook groups and here are some of the responses: Wow…I’m sure this list could go on and …

Journey or Destination?

As the song lyrics remind us, it’s “summertime and the livin is easy.” There is something about the rhythm of summer; schools are on break, for some work schedules are slower and people pile onto planes, trains and automobiles (and don’t forget cruise ships) to venture to familiar and new destinations throughout the summer months. …

Bug Zappers and Attractional Church

On occasion I’m asked where my ideas for blog posts come from, and honestly they come from a variety of sources. Many are based on blogs, articles, and books I read. Some are reflections on training events or conferences I’ve attended. Several have been grounded in my own experiences as a local church pastor. A …