New Year…New You…New Church?

By the time you are reading this, the calendar page has turned from 2023 to 2024. It is a new year, full of possibilities. As we stand at the threshold of a new year, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and contemplating the future. It’s a time when resolutions and goals take center stage, prompting us to envision positive changes in various aspects of our lives. But in reality January 1st is like every other day on the calendar. The sun appears and disappears. Clocks tick 86,400 times. In fact there are over 50 different new year’s days. The Jewish New Year is October 2-4, 2024. Islamic New Year is July 7-8, 2024. The New Year of the Zulu people occurs on the full moon of July. And when it comes to resolutions, most people abandon them by mid january. In fact the second Friday in January has been named “Quitters Day” because most people give up on their resolutions by then. 

Rather than just create a resolution this year to create a new you, what if your resolution could also help revitalize and renew your church? Individual church members’ spiritual development and vitality will always come before the church’s overall renewal and revitalization. A church’s potential will never be reached even with a strong mission statement and well-thought-out plan if its people are not developing spiritually.  Spiritual health and church health are inextricably linked; one cannot and will not exist without the other. Prior to being a methodical process, church revitalization is a spiritual process. According to a one study on reviving churches, more than 75% of these institutions launched spiritual efforts to foster the development of their congregants.  Initiatives for spiritual growth were the most important aspect of revived congregations among the churches surveyed. So here are some suggestions for what you can do to both create a new you and and a new church in this new year.

  1. Prioritize Spiritual Disciplines: In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to neglect spiritual disciplines like prayer, meditation, and Bible study. Christian new year resolutions can revolve around prioritizing these essential practices, carving out dedicated time to commune with God and draw strength from Scriptures. Committing to a consistent prayer life sets the foundation for a renewed spiritual journey.
  2. Cultivate Gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful antidote to the challenges life throws our way. Christian resolutions can focus on fostering a spirit of thankfulness, acknowledging God’s presence even in the midst of trials. Practicing gratitude opens our hearts to appreciate the small miracles and joys that surround us daily.
  3. Serve Others Selflessly: Jesus set an exemplary model of selfless service, emphasizing the importance of loving our neighbors. Christian resolutions can include a commitment to service, acts of kindness, or supporting charitable causes. By extending a helping hand to others, we reflect Christ’s love and embody the essence of Christian values.
  4. Seek Forgiveness and Extend Grace: Embracing forgiveness is a fundamental tenet of Christian faith. New year resolutions can involve letting go of grudges, seeking reconciliation, and extending grace to those who may have wronged us. This transformative act not only heals relationships but also aligns with Christ’s message of love and forgiveness.
  5. Stewardship of Time and Talents: Christians are called to be good stewards of the gifts bestowed upon them. Resolutions may include a commitment to wisely manage time and talents, using them to glorify God and contribute positively to the world. Whether it’s dedicating time to volunteer work, mentoring, or honing skills for a greater purpose, stewardship becomes a pathway to fulfillment.
  6. Build Stronger Community Connections: The Christian journey is not meant to be solitary. New year resolutions can center around building stronger connections within the church community, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose. Small group participation, fellowship activities, and collaborative initiatives contribute to a supportive spiritual community.
  7. Cultivate a Positive Mindset: Christian new year resolutions can focus on cultivating a positive and faith-filled mindset. This involves replacing negative thoughts with affirmations grounded in biblical truths. By relying on God’s promises, we can navigate challenges with resilience and optimism.

What practices would you add?