Evangelism is a word that often elicits mixed emotions, especially for those of us who are United Methodists. For many, it conjures memories of encounters with judgmental zealots, overly aggressive preachers, and individuals who seem more focused on converting others than on genuine connection. Consequently, it’s not surprising that some of us, and particularly millennials, feel hesitant about embracing evangelism. In a society where sensitivity towards diverse beliefs is paramount, the idea of proselytizing can feel uncomfortable and even offensive.

The reluctance to evangelize within The United Methodist Church stems from a variety of factors, both historical and contemporary. One significant influence is the negative perception associated with evangelism, shaped by encounters with aggressive forms of evangelization. Many have experienced instances where evangelism felt more like coercion than an invitation to explore faith. Furthermore, the changing landscape of religious pluralism has contributed to the reluctance to evangelize. In a multicultural and diverse society, there is a growing awareness and appreciation for different faith traditions. Millennials, in particular, tend to value inclusivity and respect for diverse beliefs. The fear of causing offense or alienating others by imposing one’s faith can hinder evangelistic efforts.

However, despite these challenges, there are compelling reasons for United Methodists to reconsider their approach to evangelism. At its core, evangelism is about sharing the transformative power of God’s love and grace with others. When done authentically and respectfully, evangelism can foster meaningful connections and inspire individuals to explore their faith journey.

One way to overcome the reluctance to evangelize is by reclaiming the term and reframing its meaning within the United Methodist context. Instead of viewing evangelism as a confrontational or coercive act, it can be understood as an invitation to bless others in our communities.

Authors Dave and Jon Ferguson have developed an innovative approach to evangelism based on the practices of Jesus. I invite you to B.L.E.S.S. those in your community who may not yet have a vital relationship with God. We do this by remembering Jesus’ command to “love your neighbor as yourself.”  The BLESS Practices are a series of practical ways you can begin to love and serve your neighbors, friends, co-workers, or relatives who don’t have a relationship with Jesus. Together, the steps form an acrostic for the word “bless.”