Lifestyle Sensitivity and Preaching to Baby Boomers

By Tom Bandy Baby Boomers (present age 60 – 78) represent a large portion of the population in Maryland and Delaware, and an even larger portion of UMC participants. However, Baby Boomer church expectations are not all alike. Consider just some of the top boomer lifestyle segments:   Baltimore-Washington   Peninsula-Delaware   Region UMC Region …

The Challenge to Reach Singles and Starters

By Tom Bandy The single most difficult group for churches of any variety to reach is Group O Singles and Starters. There are six segments included in the group: O50 Full Steam Ahead                      Younger and middle-aged singles gravitating to second-tier cities O51 Digital Savvy                            Young Singles who live digital-driven smaller city lifestyles O52 …

The Importance of Hospitality Part 2

In an earlier post on hospitality (read it here), I discussed the importance of guest follow up, and I shared some tips and tools. I based my post on Hebrews 13:2 – “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” This is a reference …

How to Use Opportunity Scan Part 2

By Tom Bandy Congregational Planning Method Most congregational users prefer to skip the initial “What Do You Want to Do” screen to explore a smaller, designated area. You can find the Opportunity Scan tool by clicking the “Demographics” tab on the bottom toolbar of the screen. Then find the Opportunity Scan tool at the bottom …

Pivoting When the Invitation is Rejected

In the Gospel of Luke 14:15-24, Jesus tells the parable of the Great Banquet. A man of great wealth prepares a great banquet, and when it’s ready, he tells his servant to alert those invited. When the servant finds the invited guests, they give several excuses as to why they cannot come to this great …

Before You Plant

Bill and I attended the National Developers and Church Planters conference a few weeks ago in Denver, Colorado where we gleaned from the wisdom of successful developers and planters and exchanged ideas and best practices. North Georgia Annual Conference of the UMC shared five of their pertinent objectives when planning to plant a church. I …

Jesus Gets Us, But Do We Get Him?

Many Christians are tired of hearing about social justice issues. They don’t want to hear about racism, sexism, homophobia, or police brutality. They don’t want to hear about what we should do collectively to empower the disenfranchised and level the proverbial playing field. Some churches even have “anti-wokeness” campaigns. We saw a multimillion dollar campaign …

The Role Individuation Plays in Evangelism

Years ago, I sat in a local Cava on my lunch break and heard a conversation between two young men sitting next to me. They were talking about planting a church in Southeast D.C. Immediately, my ears perked up because after seminary, I spent two years working in Southeast D.C. with a faith-based nonprofit creating …